"VIDELI” SRL it’s a private company founded in 1991 and his manager is Mr. Ciorba Petru
The main domain activity of the company is the hydrotechnical works, infrastructures.The company makes[achieves]:
- Hydrotechnical constructions
- Water supply systems
- Chlorination stations
- Potable water drilling
- Sewage systems
- Treatment units
- Civil and industrial constructions
- County and national roads
- Village roads
- Restore degraded lands into their agricultural and civil circulation
- The nearest maintenance of the oil exploitation areas
- Land reclamation
- Protective forest curtains
- Water administers
The company was asserted on the construction market , assimilating and having so many agreement contracts not only for the achievement of the new water and sewage systems or water network rehabilitation but also for the treatment stations, used pumping stations, sewage treatment units, roads, a.s.o.